A MAN, A WOMAN, AND A CAT: STAGES IN A RELATIONSHIP At the beginning of a relationship... Woman: Darling, I'd like you to meet my cat. Man: (under his breath: Ugh. I hate cats.) Uh, hi. Nice kitty. As the relationship progresses... Woman: Dear, I get the impression that you don't like my cat. Man: That's ridiculous. I love Poopsie. (under his breath: This cat is ruining our relationship.) As the relationship reaches a more stable level... Woman: Oh, Poopsie looks just so cute sitting there on your lap. Man: (Darn thing's shedding all over my new suit.) Well, I guess she's not so bad. Later... Woman: I swear, you like that cat more than you like me. Man: You know that's not true. I can't help it if she follows me around all the time. The final stages... Man: Honey, have you seen my cat anywhere? Woman: What do you mean, your cat?