
"Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul" - Plato




Oh how I wish I could report I was a nimble harpist and beautifully accomplished in my playing. Blessedly, the harp is forgiving, as are my listeners. But one day...

I bought my sweet harp from George Leverett. He, and his wife Anwyn, come through town to perform at various events - a must see if you can make it!

I found a wonderful harp teacher up a the University of Nevada, Reno, Marina. She also teaches privately here in town. If you're interested, definitely contact her!

Update (03/06/08):

On March 1st I was invited to play with Bev Colgan's Valley Harpers at the Reno Pops Orchestra "A Celtic Celebration" performance. It was a wonderful, if not frightening, experience for this beginner. My sweet husband filmed this clip of the show - the audio sync is a little slow. It's 36MB, for those with slow connections. Enjoy. :)


Favorite Links: - Celtic music / free sheet music
The Complete Works of Turlough O'Carolan - harper extraordinare / free music - free tablature
Melody's Traditional Music and Harp Shoppe

Video highlights:

Wyndnwyre playing two 13th Century Tunes and here's their website.


